
Archive for April, 2009

Hey folks,

Have you ever walked into a room that was so cluttered with stuff that you didn’t even want to look at it? That you actually felt a wall of anxiety sweep over your body the moment you entered?

Don’t worry, it’s normal. On numerous occasions I have either sat down and looked around me or entered into a space,  mentally or physically, that seemed so busy or monumental that I became overwhelmed with anxiety. So much so that I would shut down, leave the space and retreat to anywhere else.

A simple example for ya: think about a paper pile on a desk. You’ve all had them from time to time, you may even have one now, either at the office or at home. Easy to visualize, eh? Now I don’t know you, but I do know the pile. If it’s not addressed when it’s first created, it can grow, and grow, and grow. This is because mentally we have accepted that it’s “okay” to put paper there. No biggies. It’s just a little bit more, and more, and more. Until -yeah, you guessed it – it’s such a stack of paper that you don’t even want to look at it, let alone deal with.

No worries! There is a way to handle these situations. ‘Cause guess what? They ain’t goin’ away any time soon. Actually, they never go away unless you buck up and deal with them.

This is where I can help. No, I’m not coming over to your place and doing your filing for you. You can go out and hire a personal organizer for that if you like. Before that, however, you can Step Into It!. Yup, that’s what it takes, folks. Just take a moment to go into that place (being careful not to look at the whole thing), and deal with one thing, one small item, that’s all. Handle it and put it in it’s proper place. That might even be the trash but do it! Then I want you to deal with one more small item. And then another. Before long, you’re going to notice that something really interesting is happening. Yup, you know it, you’ve built momentum and you’re getting it done. And it’s all because you took the initiative to  Step Into It! 

Another tip for ya: keep at it. One of the great things about momentum is once it’s built up, it’s easy to sustain. But if you have to build it back up again from scratch it takes time and effort. Have you ever run out of gas and had to hop out and push? It takes a lot of energy just to get your car to budge, doesn’t it? Ah, but once it’s moving it’s a heck of a lot easier to keep going.

Folks, there is one thing that I can guarantee you; once you have dealt with whatever task it is, you’ll feel better about it. And nine times out of ten you’ll look back, shake your head and say “Wow, it really didn’t take that much to get it done “. I know it; I’ve been there; I am there.

As some of you may have noticed, I haven’t been writing much lately. It’s been in one of those overwhelming spaces for me, but that’s about to change. 

This, is my Step Into It! moment. What’s yours?

Coach Joe

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